Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Valentines Day Was A Day For Sugar and Memories

Picking out what I thought were just the right cards, I wanted to share with my classmates is my first memory of Valentine's Day. Mom would take us to Mattingly's in downtown Macon. We would get the cards, and generally that same night we would sit around the kitchen table and mom would ask who would get what card. That is my first memory.
You had to be careful because you didn't want to give a first-grade boy the wrong idea. I never gave a card to a boy that said love in anyway. If you would have done that you would have heard about the boy receiving cooties from me for days.
Phrases like "You are great!", or something catchy with two bears riding a rocket saying, "Wheeee-e should be Valentines!", is what was found in the boys Valentine sack from me. You could get more personal expressing your feelings to the girls. They might choose not to play with you during last recess. You remember how that went.
In the first grade our teacher gave us large paper grocery sacks to draw on and place our name in crayon across the top. The sack would then be taped to your desk. A decorated shoe box didn't happen until we reached the third grade. I remember the ones I thought were the prettiest or fanciest were wrapped in foil and had lace hearts glued or taped to them.

Pictured is a Valentine I found a few years ago. Since I like moose I thought it was appropriate.
I remember the excitement of exchanging Valentine's and eating the sugary snacks that were provided by the mothers. Our classrooms were divided at Callao C-8 into 1st & 2nd grade, 3rd & 4th grade, and 5th and 6th graders. Seventh and 8th graders were in the same classroom also but we were too old (we thought) by then to exchange Valentine cards. We had snacks and played records and games in Junior High.
By the time we reached 12th grade, the senor girls hosted an annual Senior Tea. We dressed up and we made finger foods for our mothers and the teachers of the school. The food was served on real dishes, and silver platters, and the tables were decorated in laced table cloths. It was quite fancy (We thought.)
As I grew older I started to feel flowers were a waste of money. Candy didn't last long and a stuffed animal would end up in a garage sale eventually.
Not until recently when Chelsey helped in purchasing me a necklace that reads "Mom" in the center of a heart did I feel the thrill of Valentine's Day once again.
When Chelsey was in elementary school at Tri-County Christian School we enjoyed working on her boxes and the Valentines she picked out to share with her classmates. I hope it was exciting for her as it was for me sharing that time with my mom.
I was glad to see her excitement when she came home from school on her sugar high, and bearing her Valentine box full of Valentines from her friends and teachers.

For Chelsey's 4th grade Valentine box we made the green M&M out of a helium balloon.
 Here's wishing you a Happy Valentines Day.